PAWS Award Winners Spring 2018

The PAWS awards celebration for the first quarter of 2018 was held on March 29, 2018The PAWS awards celebration for the first quarter of 2018 was held on March 29, 2018The PAWS awards celebration for the first quarter of 2018 was held on March 29, 2018The PAWS awards celebration for the first quarter of 2018 was held on March 29, 2018The PAWS awards celebration for the first quarter of 2018 was held on March 29, 2018The PAWS awards celebration for the first quarter of 2018 was held on March 29, 2018The PAWS awards celebration for the first quarter of 2018 was held on March 29, 2018The PAWS awards celebration for the first quarter of 2018 was held on March 29, 2018The PAWS awards celebration for the first quarter of 2018 was held on March 29, 2018The PAWS awards celebration for the first quarter of 2018 was held on March 29, 2018The PAWS awards celebration for the first quarter of 2018 was held on March 29, 2018The PAWS awards celebration for the first quarter of 2018 was held on March 29, 2018The PAWS awards celebration for the first quarter of 2018 was held on March 29, 2018The PAWS awards celebration for the first quarter of 2018 was held on March 29, 2018The PAWS awards celebration for the first quarter of 2018 was held on March 29, 2018The PAWS awards celebration for the first quarter of 2018 was held on March 29, 2018The PAWS awards celebration for the first quarter of 2018 was held on March 29, 2018The PAWS awards celebration for the first quarter of 2018 was held on March 29, 2018The PAWS awards celebration for the first quarter of 2018 was held on March 29, 2018The PAWS awards celebration for the first quarter of 2018 was held on March 29, 2018

Eighty-nine exceptional UConn Health employees were honored at the spring PAWS ceremony in Keller Auditorium Thursday. The employees were recognized for exhibiting the following qualities: being Part of a team, an Awesome attitude, a Wonderful Work Ethic, and Superior Service. In addition to the individual awards, two TEAM awards were also highlighted. Prior to recognizing each of the honorees, UConn Health CEO and Executive Vice President for Health Affairs, Dr. Andy Agwunobi welcomed and thanked them for their commitment and dedication which is deeply rooted in the overall success of our organization.

Brenda Ortiz
A patient requested that Brenda Ortiz, a clinical office assistant in our General Medicine clinic, be recognized for her outstanding service. (Kristin Wallace/UConn Health photo)

Among those recognized was an unsung hero Brenda Ortiz, a clinical office assistant in our General Medicine clinic. A patient, who has been coming to UConn Health for years, requested that Brenda be recognized for her outstanding service. The patient stated that Brenda always treats him like family. Every time he comes to UConn Health, Brenda offers him a big smile and greets him by name. He went on to say that he has seen her interact with other patients in the same manner, consistently. He is sure that she must have a bad day from time to time but it never affects her relationship with her patients. Brenda’s supervisor also noted that Brenda recently has started encouraging other employees to lead healthy lives by walking and exercising with them during lunch using our gym. Every day, Brenda focuses on making someone’s life better.

Here’s a complete list of the honorees:

Savitri Appiah…………………………………………………….. Patient Services

Noreen Allsop…………………………………………………….. Pulmonary Clinic

Tina Ammerman…………………………………………………. Dermatology Clinic – Canton

Michelle Cyr……………………………………………………….. CMHC – Osborn Medical

Tiffany Dyke………………………………………………………. CMHC – Osborn Medical

Patricia Fagan…………………………………………………….. Cardiac Cath. Lab

Heather Gaw……………………………………………………… CMHC – Osborn Medical

Aaron Greenblatt………………………………………………… Customer Service Support

Cesar Jerez………………………………………………………… CMHC – Osborn Medical

Sharon Kleinhen…………………………………………………. Parking & Transportation Services

Patricia Pavelchak……………………………………………….. RN Float Unit

Amanda Darcey………………………………………………….. JDH – Organization & Staff Development

Arlene Morin………………………………………………………. JDH – Organization & Staff Development

Donna Levesque…………………………………………………. Dental Financial Services

Rhonda Motley…………………………………………………… Dermatology Clinic – Canton

Brenda Ortiz………………………………………………………. UMG – General Medicine

Jessica Santos-Martinez……………………………………….. Neag Cancer Center Unit

Alka Sharma………………………………………………………. UConn HealthONE

Renata Szczepaniak…………………………………………….. Molecular Biology & Biophysics

Angela Thompson………………………………………………. Periodontology


Noreen Allsop…………………………………………………….. Pulmonary Clinic

Devon Bandouveres……………………………………………. JDH – Organization and Staff Development

Diana Campbell………………………………………………….. CMHC-Hartford-MED

Susan M. DelaCruz………………………………………………. CMHC-York-MED

Michael C. Desena………………………………………………. CMHC-Garner-MED

Diane Flanigan……………………………………………………. Clinical Nursing Units

Raymond Foster…………………………………………………. UMG-General Medicine

Sue Ellen Goodrich………………………………………………. Hospital-Admin

Kelly A. Quijano………………………………………………….. CMHC-Administration


Pulmonary Medicine Outpatient Nurse Team

Noreen Allsop                    Jilly Kelly                  Annette Wright
Grace Howard                    Joan Sellek               Mary-Margaret Taylor

Labor & Delivery, OB/GYN Team

Patty DosSantos Almeida   Carrie Ferrindino      Jessica Pena
Robin Anderson                Diane Fillion            Jessica Perkins
Michelle Baker                  Lina Godfrey            Karen Piazza
Christine Biolo                  Rocio Goyzueta        Lauren Piro
Irene Bonati                     Sarah Hill                Jacki Pond
Patricia Bowen                  Laura Jaggon           Millicent Reynolds
Maryanne Calderoni          Deb Junkins             Doreen Rinaldo
Karen Callahan                 Suzanne Karelus      Lauren Rocco
Jenny Caroon                    Danielle Kinney        Jenny Serrambama
Marianne Chapman           Joanna Kuszaj          Danielle Shweky
Jen Charette                     Toni Leers               Valerie Sokoloski
Melanie Cherubino             Eileen Lopez            Deb Stelick
Joann Cipriano                  Susan MacDonell      Teri Stratton
Crose. Amy                       AnnMarie Marolda     Courtney Tobin
Tara Distasio                     Karin McCormick       Kimberly Tripputi
Mia DiTamasso                  Marisa A. Merlo         Kathy Whitehead
Becky Fang                       Heather Messier        Nicole Worrell
Kristen Festa                     Diane Morgan