Author: Chris Hyers, Chief Communications Officer

UConn HealthONE: ‘Getting Into the Weeds’

UConn Health One badgeAs healthcare providers, the work is complex – links in a chain, each important, each small detail impacts everything after. It’s the people on the front line, in the middle of any care delivery process that know this best. The next step in our HealthONE journey is right around the corner. In August and September, the team will hold 264 ‘workflow sessions’ with the people directly involved in each key process so we can, if you will….get into the weeds, look under rocks, consider the details and the options as we build our electronic medical record (EMR).

It is a lot of sessions, but we do a lot of work — complex, interdependent work, right?

Each invite session includes the primary stakeholders of a given process…or step in that process. Each session builds upon the previous work with a goal to have a workflow and process design that reflects our experience, our reality, the capability of the Epic tool and the future state we envision.

So why should you care?

If you are invited, you are clearly not alone — you are an important link in the chain, without you the chain holds nothing. Not invited — you may think you’re lucky, you may question why not — either way you should know who is representing your work and make sure they understand the one, deep, hidden process clue only you hold. And, if nothing else, understand and appreciate the complexity of working toward our objective — one record, one place, one reason…you.

All UConn HealthONE information, documents, governance and education are now available on the project website, accessible by the icon on the top bar of the UConn Health Express. Check back often, and remember, in some way, this takes all of us to succeed.