Spring Semester Survival Tips

Even though it’s “spring” semester, we have to suffer through a lot of long, cold, wintry weeks before we spot that first crocus peeking through the ground. Brittany Knight, one of our Biomedical Sciences Ph.D. students, surveyed some of her fellow grad students to learn what they do to survive the semester.

With long days approaching in the lab, Elise Pitmon, from the Department of Immunology, gets creative with her cuisine. She was happy to share recipes for overnight oats and chicken and avocado burritos. Striving for control over your eating habits helps keep your wallet and tummy full while also saving some time to relieve stress by exercising or meditating.

Cary Hardy, from the Center on Aging, shared a podcast by the Savvy Psychologist that suggests pairing resolutions, such as spending time meditating, to your normal routine, such as brushing your teeth, to ensure they become integrated into your daily habits. This way you can maintain a similar morning schedule while also improving stress and starting your day with positive thinking.

A student in the Department of Molecular Biology and Biochemistry shared they want to relieve stress and improve their daily routine by drinking tea, meditating, and reading scientific articles.

And Brittany reminds us to strive to keep your goals one day at a time — today, tomorrow, and the next day. The new year is a time to refresh your life, learn new skills, and improve routines for a healthier and happier you.

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