What You Need to Know
- FAQ Page: We continue to update the frequently asked questions page that we started building before go-live. Click on over if you haven’t been there in a while—you just may find something helpful!
- Training Reminder: Remember, our training coordinators are ready to help you make the most of HealthONE. Reach them at healthonetrainingregistration@uchc.edu.
Provider Go-Live Updates
Where’s My ATE?
We’ve started dialing back on the number of “at the elbow” (ATE) support personnel. This is a sign of our end users continuing to gain proficiency in HealthONE, and our metrics thus far reinforce that. Your super users are still there for you as your first line of defense. If they can’t resolve your issue, your next step is to call the Help Desk, x4400 Option 1. The Command Center is open as a resource for you, and calling is a better approach than directly emailing analysts. Remember, we’ve assigned more staff to the call center during this transition, and the advantage of calling in to open a ticket is it creates a record, which enables us to monitor where the support is needed most. This guides our overall support—and ultimately, optimization—strategies.
HealthONE Success Stories
From Susan Pagan, associate radiology director:
WOW, just WOW !!!!!
Shout out to ALL of you for an amazing first week of go-live.
What a fabulous display of excellence and professionalism you have all demonstrated during this transition to HealthONE. We still have some challenges to get through, but I am confident that Team Radiology/Radiant will have successful results for whatever lies ahead. Thank you all so much, you should be as proud of yourselves as I am of you.
Got a HealthONE success story? Please reply to this email so we can feature it in upcoming HealthONE communications.
HealthONE Facts
We’ve been tracking calls coming in to the call center. On the first Monday, April 30, there were 1,470 calls, and by Friday, May 11, that number was down to 469. Measuring weekdays only to account for the outpatient services, this represents a 68 percent decrease in call volume in the first two weeks since we went live with HealthONE. Broken down further, calls from physicians decreased by 56 percent, and “non-physician” calls were down 71 percent.