The Carole and Ray Neag Comprehensive Cancer Center celebrated its 20th Cancer Survivors Day on Sunday, Sept. 24 in the Academic Rotunda at UConn Health. The focus of the event was how you can make simple changes to your diet and exercise routine that will help you lead a healthier lifestyle.
The event kicked off with Dr. Susan Tannenbuam, division chief of Hematology and Medical Oncology, telling the many survivors and their families that, “you are the most important people in the room and we are all here for you.” She then introduced Dr. Elektra Kaloudis, section head of Thoracic Imaging at UConn Health, who bravely shared her cancer journey and how she pushed through the scary times by focusing on her young children.
Dr. Kaloudis was followed by Brad Biskup, the physician assistant leading the Lifestyle Medicine Program at UConn Health. Biskup discussed some simple diet and exercise changes you can make that will lead to a healthier you.
Terry Walters, a local author of the book “Eat Clean Live Well,” held a cooking demonstration to prove that, with a little bit of planning, you can prepare healthy and tasty snacks.
Norm (Craig) Smith, a breast cancer survivor, said the speakers resonated with him since he’s been working to get back into shape and eat better. “These presentations really helped us with the tools we need to kick start that process. Taking one step at a time towards healthy foods and getting more active are the two take-aways we heard.”
Survivors were also treated to a raffle in which numerous departments at UConn Health and Storrs campus, local businesses, and individuals generously donated gift baskets, gift cards and services.