What You Need to Know
- Shifting Support: Our call center support is providing us data showing that you are becoming more familiar with the HealthONE system. With less reliance on our “at the elbow” support personnel, we are able to lower our onsite support. We will continue next week with only five dozen ATEs staying with us providing some extra focus on Dermatology, Ophthalmology, and the Neag Comprehensive Cancer Center.
- Training Update: Could you use some training, or a refresher, to get the most out of HealthONE? Be sure to check the HealthONE training page for the lastest schedules and to request a class.
Provider Go-Live Updates
Attn: Providers Placing Inpatient Charges
The principal diagnosis no longer will be automatically associated with the billing code the first time you place a charge for the patient. Instead, the first time you bill for that patient, you will need to manually choose the diagnosis associated with the billing code. This is a change from how we’ve done it thus far.
After that initial entry, each time you place an inpatient billing code for the same patient, the diagnosis you chose manually is automatically linked with the charge. For more information, please contact Sue Salinas, x4688, salinas@uchc.edu.
HealthONE Success Stories
This week we reached a new high in new revenue generation for the UConn Health John Dempsey Hospital, billing for $3.7 million in charges Tuesday. The daily average before go-live was $3.5 million.
HealthONE Facts
UConn Health Physicians and Nurses have used the Care Everywhere functionality 44,883 times since go-live to pull in data on patient allergies, medications, and other important clinical documentation from patient encounters at other organizations. This tool allows clinicians to save time they would have spent gathering this information, allowing more time to care for their patients.