HEP Portal – Check It Before Your Check Up

A screenshot from the Health Enhancement Program online portal.
A screenshot from the Health Enhancement Program online portal.

The Health Enhancement Program (HEP) portal has been updated with its 2016 requirements.

Go to www.cthep.com to find out what exams and screening tests you’ll need to have before the end of the year.

Even though it’s only February, best to start scheduling and completing your appointments now to avoid the inevitable late-year rush. And remember, if you have a chronic condition, the portal allows you to complete those requirements quickly and easily online.

For further assistance, call Care Management Solutions toll-free at (877) 687-1448. HEP representatives will be available Monday through Thursday from 8 a.m. to 6 p.m. and Friday from 8 a.m. to 5 p.m.


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